Monday, May 16, 2005

Yard work and cobbler

We didn't quite make the dent I was hoping to in getting ready to put down the path. I took up all the black plastic and got it folded up and put away, and I removed three of the 5 old fence posts. I helped Mary with weeding the front bed some, and she planted about half of the impatients (did you know that impatients are native to Africa?) she'd raised from seed. So the front bed looks great, and the side yard looks dead, but that's about it. The next big task is to actually tear out our back deck.

On the plus side, I think we've decided which stones to use for our path, Appian interlocking pavers. We like the look, and they come in shapes that easily create circular patios. We're leaning towards the "classic" color.

After a long, hard day working in the yard (3.5 hours felt like forever), we made some yummy dinner, and even better dessert.

First, Mary started making some blueberry peach cobbler. She used the same cookbook I've been using - and though it seemed to have more steps than your average cobbler recipe, it not only looked great, it tasted awesome.

While that was cooking, I really wanted to try out my new marshmallows in some hot chocolate.

First, let me tell you the results of my marshmallow experience. It was a hoot. There is something really cool about making a food product as odd as marshmallows starting with only sugar, corn syrup, water, and gelatin. To start, all the ingredients form a clear syrup, tinged faintly brown. But after you've whipped it up, they turn into a glossy bright white. And after it's cooled enough to touch, the result is super sponge-like. Simply amazing.

I pulled the marshmallow out of the pan onto the cutting board, cut a few pieces, dusted them with powdered sugar and popped one into my mouth. It tasted *exactly* like your standard marshmallow. I don't know why this is so amazing, but it was very surprising. Mary was just as surprised when she ate her first.

Now I've got a pile of marshmallows I need to pawn off on people at work...

But, Mary had the insight to recommend making some hot chocolate and trying the marshmallows out on that. Genius! I knew there was a reason I married her.

I grabbed some of the best hot chocolate I've found, dagoba hot chocolate. I whipped some up, and threw in half a dozen small marshmallows. mmmm..... The difference between the storebought marshmallows and my homemade ones? Mine actually melt in the hot chocolate. It was divine.

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